
在聖靈的帶領下, 當我們學習與基督建立關係時, 你們的伙伴關係在這事上養育下一代是為了神的榮耀.

與兒童事工主任- Geraldine一起在祂裡面

CBC Kids follows the principle set in Deuteronomy 6: the responsibility for faith training and spiritual growth of children lies within the family. Therefore, CBC Kids Ministry serves children by coming alongside parents to provide opportunities for learning, teaching, training, resourcing and spiritual support.

CBC Kids recognizes that children are a vital part of our church today, as well as the church of tomorrow. We believe wholeheartedly in the value of investing our time and resources into instructing and training children at their level, so that they may know what it means and choose to live as part of the body of Christ as their lifestyle.

CBC Kids strives to operate all ministry activities with four basic principles:

  • Scripture - the framework of our ministry
  • Discipleship - the method of our ministry approach
  • Character - our pursuit and development
  • Relationship - the channel for reaching
