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Chinese Baptist Fellowship (CBF) Conference - September 23-25

美加華人浸信會聯會第十八屆年議會在本會舉行9/23-25。 全北美華人浸信會的牧師都來參加會議,此會給有意參加者。 陳恩藩牧師是 9/23-24每晚聚會和9/25晚上六時在珍寶海鮮樓晚餐的主題講員。 餐券將售至9/21午餐時間,每桌$250,每人$25, 兩歲或以下兒童免費。

CBC is hosting the Chinese Baptist Fellowship (CBF) Conference this year on September 23-25. This is a group of North American Chinese Pastors who will be coming to meet at CBC. This conference is open to anyone who wants to attend. Pastor Francis Chan will be the guest speaker on each of these evenings at CBC on September 23-24. View Rev. Chan's revival message schedule. He will be the featured speaker at a dinner at Ocean Palace on September 25 at 6 pm.

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