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Our Pastoral Team

John Tam
Cantonese Minister
(Email: johnt@cbchouston.org)

Brother John was born to a Buddhist family in Hong Kong. At age 14, God sent a Christian classmate to tell him the Gospel. God's great love turned Brother John's heart to Him and he accepted Jesus as his Lord and Savior.

He attended Hepzibah Evangelistic Center (Church of Jesus Christ) in 1982. In 1994, he prayed to God to send him to a college to reach out to lost youths. God answered his prayer and he became a lecturer in Electronic Engineering at the Hong Kong Technical College where he had opportunities to minister to college students to lead them to Christ. Also in 1994, he served at church as a teacher in teenage Sunday school classes, VBS and youth and adult meetings. He was a member of the care group and joined short-term missions to share the gospel among tribal groups.

Brother John married his wife Jessie in 1999 and was called by God in 2011 to shepherd His flock. He resigned as a lecturer in Hong Kong to travel to Greenville, South Carolina with his wife and three sons to study for a Master's Degree in Divinity. He served at Morningside Baptist Church and Greenville Chinese Christian Church. He graduated in 2015 from Geneva Reformed Seminary.

Brother John is very thankful to God that he was chosen to serve Him and to serve His people. He is worthy of all our praises and honor. May glory be given unto Him.
